Welcome to Audiology - The Hearing Centre (Adult
Audiology Services)
We provide a full assessment, diagnostic, and rehabilitation service for adults and children with hearing difficulties. We aim to provide high quality, effective and evidence based patient centred care.
As a department we want our patients to feel satisfied, comfortable and to have trust in us by continuously offering our patients care and support.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Tel: 0161 922 6381
Email: hearing@tgh.nhs.uk
Our team
- 1 Audiology Service Manager - Stephanie Brindle
- 1 Adult Audiology Lead
- 1 Peadiatric Audiology Lead
- 6 Senior Audiologists
- 2 Audiologists
- 2 Assistant Technical Officers (ATO)
- 2 Receptionists
As we have close links with The University of Manchester we often have students working with us in clinic. They gain valuable experience from their time in the department. If you would prefer not to have them present, please inform the Receptionist or Audiologist in clinic.
Audiology - The Hearing Centre
Yellow Suite
Hartshead Building North
Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Fountain Street
Qualifications & Experience
- Qualified via the BAAT, BSc or MSc Audiology training routes
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Adult Services
- Audiogram
- Adult Assessment & Management (AQP)
- Adult Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) Support Sessions
Complex Adult Service
- Complex Adult Assessment & Management of Complex Hearing Losses & Aid Provision (non-AQP) including Severe and Profound Losses, CROS/Bi-CROS aids
- Complex Adults with Learning Disabilities - Assessment & Management
- Complex Adults with Dementia - Assessment & Management
- Complex Diagnostics - Including Speech Testing, Speech in Noise Testing, Non-Organic Loss Testing
- Audiology Led MRI pathway - asymmetrical hearing loss/tinnitus (ENT approval gained & Awaiting Radiology approval)
- Sudden onset of Hearing Loss - Assessment
Transition Service
- Transitioning from paediatric to adult service
Tinnitus Assessment and Management
Tinnitus information, management strategies, coping techniques, hearing aid provision, combination devices etc.
Wax Removal Service
- BSA Guidance Micro-suction for all routine patients
- Complex Micro-suction (via ENT referral pathway)
- Well established community service to health centres in Tameside and Glossop
- Domiciliary visits
- Ward visits at Tameside Hospital
Currently our department works closely with:
Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) Department
- We perform various diagnostic assessments for our ENT colleagues
- We liaise with ENT to provide a seamless service for hearing aid users
Nurse Led Clinic
In addition to our own wax clearance service we can provide a referral for wax clearance for more complex cases i.e. mastoid cavities, perforations etc.
Sensory Support Services / Social Services
Sensory Support Services / Social Services can provide help and advice on adaptations in the home.
New Referrals
We accept GP direct referrals for adults aged over 18 with hearing problems. The department offers assessments at:
- Ashton Primary Care Centre
- Glossop Primary Care Centre
- Tameside Hospital
- Home visits (if housebound)
You can state your preferable location to your GP.
Existing Patients
Appointments are available at Tameside Hospital and outreach clinics. Please see the 'Outreach Clinic' section for more details.
Patient Care Pathway
- Latest technology hearing aids
- Hearing aids are individually programmed through a computer, to the person’s hearing test
- Hearing tests are recommended every three years
- There are different ear fittings which can be fitted dependent on the patients hearing needs; Minifit / Thin Tubes or ear moulds
- Programmes can be added to enhance listening in different environments - these are activated by the Audiologist after discussing the patients individual requirements
- The Audiologist will have in depth discussions before and after the hearing aid fitting
Maintenance - Earmould
You need your hearing aid tubing changing every six months.
Appointments are available at Tameside Hospital and outreach clinics. See our 'Outreach Clinic' section for more details.
Maintenance - Minifit / Thin Tube
You need your hearing aid tubing changing every six months.
Appointments are available at Tameside Hospital and outreach clinics. See our 'Outreach Clinic' section for more details.
Find details of our outreach clinics in the enclosed document.
Swim moulds provide an opportunity to adults and young children to take part in their normal day to day water based activities, such as showering, swimming etc. Swim moulds generally provide an added layer of protection, protecting the ear canal and middle ear from infections.
There is an additional cost of £15 per swim plug.
If any known service users would like a swim plug please contact the department on 0161 922 6381.
Assistive Devices & Advice
The following services can provide help and advice on adaptations in the home. You can self refer for these or ask you Audiologist to refer you.
Deaf Team, Vision First, Wilshaw Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside, OL7 9QG
Tel: 0161 342 2575
E-mail: deafservices@tameside.gov.uk
Deaf Team, Derbyshire County Council, High Street, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, S45 9JB
Tel: 01629 537 171
Text: 86555 start your text with BSL then press space then start your message
Minicom: 01246 861 852
Email: deafteam@derbyshire.gov.uk
Access to Work
The Access to Work scheme provides a government funded grant that can support with your employment. This can include provision of BSL interpreters whilst at work or paying for specialist equipment to work with your hearing aids.
Equipment to help Deaf and Hard of Hearing people at home, work or in Education
Information about hearing aids on re-tubing and fitting hearing aids, how to troubleshoot and other useful videos
British Deaf Association
The British Deaf Association is a registered charity that delivers a range of services to achieve its aims of empowering Deaf people to overcome difficulties that they face on a daily basis.
Deafblind UK
Deafblind UK is a national charity supporting people with sight and hearing loss, enabling them to live the lives they want.
The Hearing Link
The Hearing Link helps to support you to adjust to the practical and emotional challenges that hearing loss can bring.
The RNID is a charity that supports people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Sense is here to help people communicate and experience the world. They believe that no one, no matter how complex their disabilities, should be isolated, left out, or unable to fulfil their potential. Their team offers personalised support through centres, holidays and short breaks, or in people's own homes.
Tinnitus Support
Take on Tinnitus is an invaluable online resource designed to help patients better understand tinnitus and offer practical ways that could help to relieve their tinnitus - rated by 85% of users as useful or very useful.
Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus UK provides information, advice and guidance. Their helpline gives confidential information and advice from a member of the Tinnitus UK team (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).
Web chat: www.tinnitus.org.uk
Tel: 0800 018 0527
Email: helpline@tinnitus.org.uk
Text: 07537 416841
If you are interested in taking part in a support group, please contact colette@tinnitus.org.uk.
Ida Institute Telecare
The Ida Institute rehabilitation tools can be accessed online by the patient directly, along with advice and support.
Pyschology Tools
Suggestions about techniques to use for everyone during these uncertain times
Dizzyness - Controlling your symptoms
Suggestions to help reduce stress/anxiety related to dizziness: controlled breathing, relaxation, thought control, stress management.
The Silver Line
The Silver Line is a free and confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people.
Tel: 0800 470 80 90 (phone any time)
Communication Courses
The following provide communication courses, such as British Sign Language (BSL), Lip speaking and communication support etc.
- British Sign - Online sign language course available on 'pay what-you-can' basis
- Signature - Deaf communication courses
Lip-reading classes in and around Manchester
E-mail: enquiries@manchesterdeafstudies.og
Grounding meditations can help the patient take the attention away from their dizziness and anxiety. Body scans can also be useful for grounding and to give the patients a feeling of safety.
- Tree meditation / grounding video
- Mountain meditation - Peter Morgan
- Breathworks Mindfulness
- Meditating in troubled times
Social Prescbribing in Derbyshire
The Bureau's mission is to identify and link together community needs and solutions to enable people to live independently and improve the quality of life for local communities.
Tinnitus/Hyperacusis Follow Up
Tinnitus/Hyperacusis Invididual Management Plan
Transitioning to Adult Audiology
Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Your New Hearing Aids - Engage, Xceed & Optim
Hearing Aid Troubleshooting Guide
Minifit / Thin Tube Cleaning Guide
Minifit / Thin Tube Insertion Guide
Ear Mould Tubing & Attachment Guide
Ear Mould Cleaning & Insertion Guide
Stay connected with wireless possibilities
Communication Skills
Effective Communication Skills
Improve your Communication Skills