Everyone at Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust has an absolute commitment to the delivery of high quality services for our patients, and for their right to be treated with respect. Keeping our patients safe and delivering personalised, caring services is our number one corporate objective.

If you are being admitted as a planned admission, please follow any advice given in letters from the hospital. 

If you are an emergency admission you will be taken to one of our emergency assessment areas, whereby an individualised plan of care will be discussed with you on your admission.

Staying comfortable

  • If you can, bring simple items from home that will make you feel comfortable such as shoes, clothes, pyjamas and toiletries. Please do not bring any valuables with you.
  • Try to keep mobile and move as often as you can. Ask a member of staff if you need help.
  • In a morning, if you can, get dressed in your own clothes and sit outside of bed as this can help with recovery and getting ready to leave. 

Managing your medicines

  • Tell us if you have an allergy.
  • Ask about what your medicines are for and let us know if you don’t understand any of the information that has been given to you.
  • Ask about possible side effects and talk to the doctor, nurse or pharmacist about any concerns you have.
  • If you have medicines at home that can be brought in, please talk to the pharmacy team or a member of staff. This will help make sure that you are on your correct prescription.

Preventing falls

  • If you can, wear laced up or snug fitting shoes / slippers with rubber soles.
  • Ask for non-slip socks if you need them.
  • If you need any help getting out of your bed or chair, tell us or use the call bell.

Keeping hydrated

  • Drink lots of water (unless advised otherwise).
  • Make sure your water jug is easy to reach, or ask for assistance.
  • Ask if you need your water jug filling or you need any support with drinking.

Preventing blood clots

  • If you are able, try to move your legs or ankles as often as you can, or keep mobile by sitting out of bed or walking around.
  • If advised to, wear the compression stockings and take the medication given to you as this can help prevent blood clots developing.
  • Drink lots of fluids, including water (unless advised otherwise).

Helping to prevent infections

  • Wash/clean your hands before meals and after you have visited the toilet.
  • Tell us if you have had any diarrhoea or vomiting.
  • Please ask if staff have cleaned their hands before providing care.
  • If your visitors are feeling unwell, ask them not to visit until they are feeling better.

Leaving hospital or our care units

  • Ask a member of staff if you do not know the date when you are expected to leave or if you are unsure about your next steps.
  • Make sure you have your discharge letter and know who to contact if you have any questions or concerns.
  • If you are able to, sit outside of bed and gather your belongings. Also check that you have your medicines and that you understand what they are for.

Sharing and questions or concerns

  • Talk to us if you have any worries or concerns about your treatment or leaving hospital.
  • If you would like to talk about your spiritual or religious needs please ask about how our chaplains can support you.
  • Tell us if you don’t understand any information that has been given to you.
  • Please give feedback on what was good about your treatment and if there is anything we can do better. Staff will be able to explain how to do this.

We suggest you bring the following items to make your time with us as comfortable as possible:

  • your admission letter, if you have one
  • your usual day and night wear and appropriate footwear
  • personal hygiene items
  • all the prescribed medicines you are already taking. This should include prescribed medicines and any medicines you regularly take, which you have bought over the counter in a pharmacy, and any repeat prescriptions
  • if you normally use an aid or appliance, such as hearing or walking aids, please bring this with you

We are committed to supporting you to get up and dressed during the day so please ensure you bring enough casual day clothes.

We are a Smokefree Trust and we will support you with smoking cessation advice during your time in hospital.

A small bedside cabinet is provided for your personal belongings. Please do not bring in large amounts of cash, and do not bring in any jewellery or other valuables.

The Trust cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to your personal property. We do not have any provision for the storage of personal valuables and belongings.

Please take especially good care of personal items such as dentures and hearing aids.

You will be asked to sign a disclaimer should you decide to bring items of value with you to hospital. 

During your stay we will provide you with three meals a day. We can also provide lunch box snacks if you have missed a meal.

We operate protected mealtimes in all of our adult wards. At set times throughout the day, all non-urgent clinical activity stops to help patients eat their meals in a calm atmosphere.

Breakfast 8.00am – 9.00am

Lunch 11.30am – 1.00pm

Dinner 5.00pm – 6.00pm

Breakfast is provided to you from the ward kitchen and includes porridge, a selection of breakfast cereals, toast, tea and coffee.

Lunch and evening meal
Each evening you will be given a menu for the following day’s lunch and evening meal. Please read the menu carefully and follow the instructions on how to select the dishes you want. There is an option on the menu for you to select a small portion if you prefer.

Please note – meals are ordered the day before so if you have just been admitted onto the ward your first day’s meals may have been ordered by the previous patient. If the meal you receive on your first day is not suitable then please inform your named nurse.

Declaration of compliance

Every patient has the right to receive high quality care that is safe, effective and respects their privacy and dignity. In order to do this, Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust is committed to providing every patient with same sex accommodation.

Patients who are admitted to Tameside Hospital will only share the room where they sleep with members of the same sex, and same sex toilets and bathrooms will be close to their bed area. Sharing with members of the opposite sex will only happen by exception based on clinical need e.g. in the Intensive Therapy Unit, when patients choose to share (for example Children’s Services) or in extremis where continuity plans will be put in place in response to these circumstances. 

Where a breach of these standards occurs, we will report it as required by NHS England/Improvement and our regulators. The Trust will continue to place the highest priority on ensuring that every patient is treated with dignity and respect, irrespective of when or where they receive their care.

September 2021

Visiting is currently restricted at the hospital. You can find out more about visiting by clicking here

A member of the nursing team will help you to prepare for your discharge. You will be provided with any specific instructions regarding your treatment and any medications that you require as part of your continued care at home.

Please make certain that no hospital clothing etc. are taken home accidentally. If you do take hospital property home by mistake, please return it to the ward as soon as possible.

If you are required to attend an outpatient appointment, the ward clerk will ensure that either a request for an appointment or an actual appointment has been made prior to your discharge from hospital.

After your discharge from hospital a letter will be sent to your GP giving information regarding your stay in hospital and advising of any recommendations for your care at home.