• Tameside and Glossop midwives celebrate International Day of the Midwife 2021

    5 May 2021

    International Day of the Midwife signals the end of a month of celebrations and major milestones for midwives at Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS FT.

  • New edition of Trust magazine

    30 April 2021

    The spring 2021 edition of Trust magazine, our magazine for members, is out now. This edition contains a feature on our health visitors and their vital work shaping little people along with some top tips for readers who have children under five years of age. Also, if you are thinking of a change in career and looking for something rewarding, where you can make a real difference, there is some advice on how to get into health visiting.

  • Trust’s pioneering drive to reduce sugar featured on ITV’s Tonight programme

    30 April 2021

    Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS FT has taken part in an ITV Tonight programme about reducing sugar in the Hartshead Restaurant.

  • Acorn Birth Centre celebrates one year and 190 deliveries

    19 April 2021

    In the throes of the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020 the Acorn Birth Centre at Tameside Hospital quietly opened its doors and began welcoming new babies into the world. This month the centre celebrated its one year anniversary.