Publish date: 31 May 2022

We want you to get the best possible service from your local NHS and feel confident that we are here for you when you need us.  As attendances at the Emergency Department remain high, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you about the wide range of services that are available to you depending on your illness or ailment.

As a first port of call, if you are feeling unwell and are unsure which service would be best for you, ring 111 for free from a landline or mobile phone.  You can also go online at or  

NHS 111 is available to make it easier and quicker for you to get the right advice or treatment you need, be that for your physical or mental health, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Clinicians, such as nurses, doctors, pharmacists and paramedics, play an important role in NHS 111 and will be available to give you the advice you need without using another service, such as your GP or the Emergency Department.

If you have an urgent but non-life-threatening medical condition the best thing for you to do is to contact NHS 111 as they are able to book an appointment to be seen in the best possible service.  The majority of the time, your call will come through to the Digital Health Team at Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS FT. You will be assessed over the telephone by the team and they will direct you to the service most appropriate to your needs, this may even be close to home, at one of the neighbourhood hubs, a pharmacy or another more appropriate local service, or you may be referred to our Emergency Department, Urgent Treatment Centre or emergency dental service.  NHS 111 can also send an ambulance should a condition be serious or life-threatening.  Having an appointment booked via NHS 111 means that you have access to all of our healthcare services and so you will be seeing the right professional for your condition in a way and at a time that suits you.

For more information on where to get the right care for you, including NHS 111 and services such as your local pharmacy, GP and other healthcare services go to: