Paul Elms.jpgThe Freedom to Speak up Guardian gives independent support and advice to staff who want to raise concerns. The Guardian is not part of the management structure, instead they stand alone and can, if necessary, report directly to the Chief Executive, the directors and the Board.

Nadia Walsh is our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian.

When things go wrong, we need to make sure that lessons are learnt, and things are improved. If we think something might go wrong, it’s important that we all feel able to speak up to stop potential harm occuring. The role of a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian works with all staff to help organisations become more open and transparent places and encourage employees to ‘speak up’ without fearing that there might be consequences.

There are various channels for speaking up, including staff speaking with their line manager, their manager's manager, or a Trade Union Representative. In addition, the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian can provide a confidential ear for any serious concerns about clinical risks, malpractice and other serious concerns a member of staff may have. 

Here at Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust we take raising concerns seriously. You can view the Trust's Freedom to Speak Up Policy.

Our Trust also has a Freedom to Speak Up Strategy, which sets out our ongoing committment and vision to ensuring staff feel safe to speak up, and are supported and encouraged to do so.

This can be viewed online.

In addition to our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, the organisation has a number of FTSU Champions.

Our Champions are advocates for anyone considering raising concerns or speaking up about anything that gets in the way of colleagues doing a job to the best of their ability.

They provide confidential advice and support, and can be contacted on their below e-mail addresses.


FTSU Champions

Linda Tumelty, Booking and Scheduling Clerk: 

Carole Ditchfield, Executive PA: 

Michelle Thurman, Podiatry Principal for High-Risk Foot Team and Lead for Lower Limb Arterial Assessment Service: 

Sunitha Mathew, Professional Standards Practitioner Quality and Patient Experience Team:

Sarah Miller, Project Co-Ordinator for Addictions:

Joanne Mason, Maternity Admin Clerk:

Debbie Earnshaw, Team Lead Assistant:

Julie Hall, ​​​​​​Head of Clinical Coding: ​​​​​