We want to make sure that you have the best possible experience of care when you use our services. Sharing your feedback with us helps to identify where we are doing well and also areas that we can improve.
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) survey is very quick way for you to share feedback about your experience and will only take about 2 minutes to complete. The link below can be used to access the survey, which asks the question: Overall, how was your experience of our service? When completing the survey we just need to know the date when you visited and the service that you used. If you are unsure about this but would like to share your feedback you can contact the Patient Experience Team at: patient.experience@tgh.nhs.uk.
Friends and Family Test Survey
The survey above includes some additional optional questions so you can provide comments and also give details relating to your background. This helps us to understand a bit more about the care or treatment you received including different people’s experience of our services. All responses and comments that are received will be kept confidential. When you use our services you may also be given the opportunity to give feedback in other formats such as receiving a text message (SMS), via paper postcards or via a QR code. Please look out for these and also use these as a way of giving your feedback. If you wish to opt-out of receiving SMS messages relating to FFT you can use the survey link above or contact us with your mobile number at: patient.experience@tgh.nhs.uk